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News - أخبار السيرفرات
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latest News and updates |
229 Replies | 57 Topics |
[NEW] AWP Limiter and Fir...
03-20-2024, 03:23 PM by NeedforSpeedo |
Introductions - عرفنا عن نفسك
(1 user browsing)
Tell us about you. Like real name, age, country, how long you are playing CS, hobbies and whatever you want |
540 Replies | 124 Topics |
07-21-2024, 03:13 PM by Snoopy Dollet |
Suggestions / الاقتراحات
(3 users browsing)
Suggestions and feedbacks about servers and Website |
1,041 Replies | 243 Topics |
Suggestion of [REVIVE]
09-19-2024, 12:08 PM by anon ops |
Off Topics / نقاشات
(7 users browsing)
Discuss what ever you want here. Everything thing not related to servers or CS |
880 Replies | 214 Topics |
New Things Are UP!!
01-09-2024, 05:05 PM by wakas² |
Guides / ارشادات
(1 user browsing)
Tips, Tricks and recipes of how to improve skills and gameplay |
163 Replies | 37 Topics |
unban mdk ragnard
04-14-2023, 06:21 PM by |
Report Problem / التبليغ عن مشكلة
(3 users browsing)
if there's an issue/problem in server , You could report it here أي خطأ أو مشكلة فنية في السيرفرات، يمكنك الإبلاغ عنهم هنا Sub Forums: Fixed Problems, Others |
792 Replies | 200 Topics |
[Report] Mother insult
09-15-2024, 09:54 PM by anon ops |
Admin Applications / التقديم لتصبح ادمن
(1 user browsing)
Sub Forums: Admin Applications / التقديم لتصبح ادمن, Accepted Requests, and 1 more. |
1,015 Replies | 345 Topics |
admin aplication
10-04-2024, 05:44 PM by wakas² |
Unbans requests / طلبات فك الحظر
(7 users browsing)
Sub Forums: Accepted applications, Rejected applications |
2,129 Replies | 626 Topics |
unban @ zet
10-06-2024, 07:08 PM by holaquepasa |
Report hackers / الابلاغ عن هاكرز
27 Replies | 7 Topics |
Mahmoud speedhack+aimbot ...
10-07-2024, 08:02 PM by ChikaBuga |
Complains about Admins / الشكاوي عن ادمن
106 Replies | 32 Topics |
Report admin HG_s for ra...
10-02-2024, 12:20 PM by wakas² |
Junk Posts
(1 user browsing)
Junk posts goes here. |
210 Replies | 57 Topics |
new member
07-23-2022, 06:17 PM by Snoopy Dollet |
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